Help Co-op workers win their union!
Willy Street Co-op workers are currently trying to unionize their workplace. Co-op management is viciously anti-union, and the workers need all the support they can get to win the fight. Here’s what you can do right now: Print off the post image above. Take a selfie with it. Post your selfie on Facebook and send……
MADSA responds to Josh Kaul’s planned defense of Act 10
Recently elected as Attorney General, Democrat Josh Kaul indicated recently that he anticipates defending Act 10 in court, should a challenge emerge. Madison Area Democratic Socialists of America condemns this statement and any others that signal working people of Wisconsin to lower their expectations after electing supposedly friendly representatives. Scott Walker’s signing of Act 10……
Spring 2019 Political Platform
The Madison Area Democratic Socialists of America (MADSA) want Madison to be a place where all people, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, ability, immigration status, and class can live with dignity and have an equal voice in government. With that goal in mind, these policies are aimed at creating near-term relief from present……
Statement of Support for Stone Creek Coffee Workers’ Union
Madison-Area Democratic Socialists of America (MADSA) supports workers at Stone Creek Coffee in their efforts to form a union and win representation with Teamsters Local 344. At the beginning of March, Stone Creek Coffee Workers’ Union (SCCWU) announced that they had filed a petition with the National Labor Relations Board for a union representation election.……
Madison-Area DSA Supports Badgercare Expansion
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Madison Area Democratic Socialists of America strongly endorses the inclusion of Medicaid/BadgerCare expansion in the budget introduced by Governor Tony Evers today. Medicaid expansion will accept federal funding to raise the eligibility line for BadgerCare from 100 percent to 138 percent of the federal poverty line. Over the next budget biennial, it……
Spring 2019 Election Voter Guide
Endorsement and Recommendation Process: The MADSA Electoral Politics Working Group (EPWG) drafted an electoral platform that was approved by the chapter membership. We interviewed five Mayoral and School Board candidates and made endorsement recommendations based on their alignment with our platform. Endorsement required the support of 66% of members at a MADSA general meeting. Endorsements Madison DSA……
MADSA Endorses Ananda Mirilli
DSA is proud to endorse Ananda Mirilli for Seat 5 on the MMSD Board of Education. A socialist with professional experience in the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Ananda is running in opposition to charter schools and vouchers and supports union organizing. She has made strong statements in support of terminating the ERO program and……
Stop the WI GOP power grab!
There’s nothing civil about attacks on the working class! Today, the Wisconsin legislature is opening a session to hear on a series of bills proposed by the GOP, which constitute a naked power grab to diminish the authority of the incoming governor and attorney general. Among other things, they seek the ability to replace the……
Statement on Epic Systems Corp v Lewis Decision
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Democratic Socialists of America – Madison Rebukes the Epic Systems Corp v Lewis Decision Madison, Wisconsin – May 21, 2018 – Today’s U.S. Supreme Court decision in Epic Systems Corp v Lewis is a defeat for working Americans and a big win for large corporations. By ruling that employers can contractually obligate……
Statement on the NPC Decision regarding Danny Fetonte
The Democratic Socialists of America National Political Committee Interim Steering Committee decided on August 15 to enter mediation with elected NPC member Danny Fetonte, who is the subject of heated debate due to his past involvement with the police union organization CLEAT. The Madison DSA chapter chose to make no statement on this matter before……