4/4/20 BookMarx: Capital Vol 1, Chp 1 – 4:00pm (Zoom)

BookMarx is a reading group where we discuss the foundational texts of socialist thought to develop an analytical framework to understand, criticize, and deconstruct capitalism in our aims to build a better world. This event is open to the public. Topic: BookMarx: Capital Volume 1 Pt1Time: Apr 4, 2020 04:00 PM Central Time (US and… Continue reading 4/4/20 BookMarx: Capital Vol 1, Chp 1 – 4:00pm (Zoom)

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4/4/20: Red Madison Working Meeting – 10:30 am (Zoom)

Red Madison, DSA’s publication, will be holding our working meeting over video chat via Zoom. We will be discussing status of articles, ideas for the next edition, and features for the COVID-19 crisis. This meeting is open to any DSA member. Topic: 4/4 Red Madison Working MeetingTime: Apr 4, 2020 10:30 PM Central Time (US… Continue reading 4/4/20: Red Madison Working Meeting – 10:30 am (Zoom)

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4/1/20 Madison Tenant Power Meeting (Zoom) – 7pm

Madison Tenant Power, organized with members of DSA Madison, will be having a Zoom meeting. Topic: 4/1 Madison Tenant Power meetingTime: Apr 1, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/708756412 Meeting ID: 708 756 412 One tap mobile+13126266799,,708756412# US (Chicago) Dial by your location+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)Meeting ID: 708… Continue reading 4/1/20 Madison Tenant Power Meeting (Zoom) – 7pm

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Spring 2020 Political Platform

Madison Area DSA Spring 2020 Political Platform The Madison Area Democratic Socialists of America (MADSA) is fighting to create a community that is free from oppression and segregation. We believe that everyone deserves the social and economic means to live a thriving and healthy life. In order to get there, we need to start organizing… Continue reading Spring 2020 Political Platform

Spring 2020 Voter Guide

Pre-election Checklist Delay the election Pushing the election back will give us valuable time to ramp up vote-by-mail. If you’re in Madison, let Mayor Rhodes-Conway know that she should be urging Governor Evers to delay the election by calling the mayor’s office at (608) 266-4611. You can make this suggestion directly to the Governor’s office… Continue reading Spring 2020 Voter Guide

Red Madison Working Meeting (Zoom) – Sat 3/28/20 10:30am

Red Madison, DSA’s publication, will be holding our working meeting over video chat via Zoom. We will be discussing status of articles, ideas for the next edition, and features for the COVID-19 crisis. This meeting is open to any DSA member. Topic: Red MadisonTime: Mar 28, 2020 10:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada) Join… Continue reading Red Madison Working Meeting (Zoom) – Sat 3/28/20 10:30am

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MADSA Executive Committee Memo on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The World Health Organization has declared the COVID-19 coronavirus a pandemic. At the time of this writing, there are currently three new cases in Wisconsin, including two in Dane County. The University of Wisconsin-Madison announced the cancellation of all in-person classes from March 23 to April 10. This disease has an acute risk of further stressing… Continue reading MADSA Executive Committee Memo on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Labor Working Group: How to Strike and Win, Pt. 3 — CANCELLED

Thursday, March 19 — 7:00pm – 8:30pm Wil-Mar Center – Youth Room, 953 Jenifer Street, Madison WI 53703 NOTE: In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, this event has been cancelled. We will reschedule for a later time. The LWG is hosting a three-part class on the Labor Notes pamphlet, “How to Strike and Win.” This… Continue reading Labor Working Group: How to Strike and Win, Pt. 3 — CANCELLED

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