We have a world to win.
DSA members believe that our economy and society should be built democratically, by and for working people, not by billionaires for profit. We work to equalize political and economic power, because true democracy cannot coexist with inequality. We urgently fight to stop the many crises facing our most powerless members of society, and we need your help!
Ready to join?
If you are ready to organize with Madison Area DSA, the first step is to join DSA. Sign up as a dues paying member and join thousands of members across the country in the struggle for a better world. DSA is funded by our membership — not corporate foundations or private companies. This ensures that DSA members are in full democratic and political control of our organization.
No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Anyone who wants to join but cannot afford to contribute financially should complete the dues waiver form.
Have questions?
Whether you are new to Madison Area DSA or a member looking to get more involved, a 1 on 1 call with a organizer can help you figure out what’s next. Send us a message at dsamadison@gmail.com and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can! Or check our calendar and come find us at our next meeting or event!